Selasa, 30 November 2010
Implementasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum
Dear Bloggers,
Saya akan membahas mengenai tata kelola perguruan tinggi khususnya otonomi di bidang keuangan. Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (PK BLU) menjadi suatu keharusan bagi perguruan tinggi yang didirikan oleh Pemerintah. Bentuk pengelolaan keuangan negara terbagi atas 2 macam yakni dipisahkan dan tidak dipisahkan.
PK yang tidak dipisahkan yaitu :
1.Dikelola melalui sistem APBN
2.Tunduk sepenuhnya pada perundang-undangan keuangan negara
3.Berlaku prinsip-prinsip umum pengelolaan keuangan negara, a.l. azas bruto, universalitas, non afektasi dan non kontraksi.
PK yang dipisahkan yaitu tunduk pada rezim perundang-undangan tersendiri yaitu UU BUMN.
Sebelumnya kita mengetahui PK BLU, sebaiknya mengerti apa itu pelayanan umum yang terbagi atas 2 jenis yaitu public (pemerintah) dan private (korporasi). Pelayanan umum public dalam motivasinya menyediakan layanan kepada masyarakat, pendanaan berasal dari penerimaan pajak dan pengelolaan melalui sistem APBN. Pelayanan umum private dalam motivasinya berorientasi pada keuntungan (profit), pendanaan berasal dari masyarakat dan pengelolaannya tidak melalui sistem APBN. Kedua pelayanan umum tersebut yang membedakannya adalah kualitas dan harga. Pada pelayanan public, kualitas dan harga rendah sedangkan pada pelayanan private berlaku sebaliknya. Gagasan ideal pelayanan umum public yaitu kualitas tinggi, harga sharing, dan pengelolaannya model korporasi.
Mengapa PK BLU ?
Alasan utamanya adalah meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas pelayanan publik.Paradigma Paradigma baru:
1.Let the Managers Manage – dengan membiarkan manajer pengelola jasa-jasa pemerintah untuk menggunakan anggaran dengan cara yang paling efisien
2.Make the Managers Manage – memastikan bahwa manajer menghasilkan kinerja
Sehingga PK BLU merupakan implementasi enterprising the government dan penganggaran berbasis kinerja.
BLU adalah instansi di lingkungan Pemerintah yang dibentuk untuk memberikan pelayanan
kepada masyarakat berupa penyediaan barang dan/atau jasa yang dijual tanpa mengutamakan mencari keuntungan dan dalam melakukan kegiatannya didasarkan pada prinsip efisiensi dan produktivitas.
Fleksibilitas PK BLU :
1.Pendapatan dan Belanja
2.Pengelolaan Kas
3.Pengelolaan Piutang dan Utang
5.Pengelolaan Barang
9.Status Kepegawaian PNS dan non PNS
10.Nomenklatur kelembagaan dan pimpinan
Perencanaan dan Anggaran :
1.BLU membuat rencana bisnis lima tahunan mengacu ke Renstra KL/ RPJMD
2.BLU menyusun RBA tiap tahun berbasis kinerja, perhitungan akuntansi biaya
3.RBA disusun berdasarkan kebutuhan dan kemampuan pendapatan disertai dengan standar pelayanan minimum dan biaya dari output yang dihasilkan.
4.RBA BLU merupakan bagian dari RKA KL/RKA SKPD
Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran :
1.RBA yang disetujui adl dasar untuk membuat DIPA BLU.
2.DIPA BLU disahkan oleh Menteri Keuangan/pejabat pengelolaan keuangan daerah (BLUD)
3.DIPA BLU merupakan lampiran dari perjanjiankerja antara pimpinan BLU dengan kementerian/kepala daerah (BLUD)
4.DIPA BLU menjadi dasar penarikan dana dari APBN/APBD
Belanja :
1.Pengelolaan belanja fleksibel sesuai dengan ambang batas yang ditetapkan dalam RBA
2.Jika melampaui ambang batas harus mendapat persetujuan Menkeu/kepala daerah
3.Jika terjadi kekurangan anggaran, dapat diajukan ke Menkeu/kepala daerah
4.Belanja BLU dilaporkan sebagai belanja barang dan jasa di kementerian/lembaga/ pemerintah daerah
Pengelolaan Kas :
1.Pengelolaan kas berdasarkan praktek bisnis yang sehat
2.Penarikan dana APBN dengan SPM
3.Rekening bank BLU dibuka di bank umum oleh pimpinan BLU
4.BLU dapat melakukan investasi jangka pendek dalam rangka cash management.
Pengelolaan piutang :
1.BLU dapat memberikan piutang terkait dengan kegiatannya
2.Piutang dikelola sesuai dengan praktek bisnis yang sehat
3.Piutang dapat dihapus secara berjenjang sesuai dengan kewenangan
4.Kewenangan penghapusan piutang diatur oleh Menkeu/kepala daerah
Pengelolaan Utang :
1.BLU dapat memiliki utang sehubungan dengan kegiatan operasionalnya/perikatan peminjaman dengan pihak lain
2.Utang dikelola sesuai dengan praktek bisnis yang sehat
3.Utang jangka pendek untuk belanja operasional
4.Utang jangka panjang untuk belanja modal
5.Perikatan peminjaman sesuai dengan jenjang kewenangan yang diatur oleh Menkeu/kepala daerah
6.Pembayaran utang merupakan tanggungjawab BLU
Investasi :
1.BLU/D tidak dapat melakukan investasi jangka panjang kecuali atas ijin Menkeu/ kepala daerah.
2.Keuntungan dari investasi menjadi pendapatan BLU/D.
Pengelolaan Barang :
1.Pengadaan barang berdasarkan prinsip efisien dan ekonomis sesuai dengan praktek bisnis yang sehat sehingga dapat dibebaskan seluruhnya atau sebagian dari ketentuan yang berlaku bila terdapat alasan efektivitas dan efisiensi
2.Kewenangan pengadaan barang secara berjenjang berdasarkan nilai yang diatur oleh Menkeu/kepala daerah.
3.Barang inventaris dapat dialihkan dan dihapuskan oleh BLU dan dilaporkan secara berkala kepada menteri/pimpinan lembaga/kepala daerah.
4.BLU tidak dapat mengalihkan/menghapuskan Aset tetap kecuali ijin pejabat yang berwenang.
5.Pengalihan/penghapusan aset tetap dilakukan secara berjenjang berdasarkan nilai dan jenis barang yang sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan.
6.Pengalihan/penghapusan aset tetap dilaporkan kepada menteri/pimpinan lembaga/kepala SKPD
7.Tanah dan bangunan disertifikat atas nama Pemerintah RI
Akuntansi, Pelaporan dan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan :
1.BLU menyelenggarakan akuntansi sesuai dengan SAK yang diterbitkan asosiasi profesi akuntansi Indonesia.
2.Jika tidak ada standar akuntasi, dapat menerapkan standar akuntansi industri yang spesifik setelah mendapat persetujuan Menteri Keuangan
3.Laporan Keuangan terdiri dari LRA, Neraca, LAK dan CaLK disertai laporan kinerja.
4.Laporan keuangan tersebut disampaikan kepada menteri/pimpinan lembaga/kepala daerah secara berkala
5.LK tersebut menjadi bagian dari LK kementerian/lembaga/pemerintah daerah.
6.LK sebagai LPJ BLU diaudit oleh auditor eksternal.
Surplus dan Defisit :
1.Surplus anggaran dapat digunakan untuk TA berikutnya.
2.Surplus dapat disetor sebagian/seluruhnya ke Kas Negara/Kas Daerah atas perintah Menkeu/kepala daerah dengan mempertimbangkan likuiditas BLU
3.Defisit anggaran BLU dapat diajukan pembiayaannya dalam TA berikutnya kepada
Menkeu/kepala daerah melalui menteri/pimpinan lembaga/kepala SKPD
Tata Kelola :
1.Kelembagaan tunduk pada peraturan perundangan sektoral.
2.Jika terjadi perubahan kelembagaan, harus berpedoman pada ketentuan Menteri PAN
3.Pejabat pengelola BLU dapat terdiri dari PNS dan non PNS
4.Nomenklatur pejabat pengelola BLU disesuaikan dengan nomenklatur yang berlaku di instansi BLU.
Disarikan dari Direktorat Pembinaan PK BLU, Ditjen Perbendaharaan, Kemenkeu RI, 2009.
Business Case : Exercise
Question :
Prepare a business case for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project. Assume the project will take six months to complete and cost about $200,000.
Answer :
1. Pendahuluan
Timezone sebagai pusat rekreasi dan hiburan mainan anak-anak dengan berbagai fasilitas yang tersedia secara digital. Berbagai terobosan terus dikembangkan untuk memberikan layanan yang mudah, cepat, dan aman. PT. Matahari Tbk selaku pihak manajemen Timezone sudah mendukung berbagai hal untuk kemajuan salah satu bidang usahanya. Pihak manajemen menyadari arti pentingnya teknologi dalam mendukung perkembangan tempat usahanya dengan melakukan efisiensi melalui teknologi informasi dan memberikan kemudahan akses informasi bagi pelanggan dan calon pelanggan.
2. Proses Bisnis
PT. Matahari Tbk selaku pihak manajemen Timezone saat ini juga telah mengembangkan perangkat mainannya melalui pembangunan intranet site untuk meningkatkan efisiensi organisasi dan memberikan akses kepada publik untuk mendapatkan informasi layanan yang diberikan. Perubahan dimulai dari sistem pembelian koin menjadi kartu yang secara otomatis mengganti peralatan yang ada di setiap mainan. Kemudian kartu itu dalam perkembangannya dapat menyimpan data pelanggan beserta jumlah saldo dan poin yang tersedia. Proyek tersebut akan mengurangi biaya dengan menyediakan otomasi kantor, tidak menggunakan kupon lagi dalam penukaran hadiah, sehingga lebih efisien.
3. Pernyataan Peluang
Timezone memiliki intranet untuk menyediakan informasi bagi pelanggan mengenai berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan kartu yang dimiliki. Untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi teknologi informasi organisasi, diperlukan penambahan fungsi-fungsi yang dapat mendukung tercapainya tujuan organisasi. Fungsi-fungsi tersebut disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing divisi dan dapat dikoordinasikan antar divisi. Untuk itulah diperlukan intranet site yang terintegrasi untuk menjembatani kebutuhan organisasi.
4. Kendala
Usulan proyek intranet site harus menjadi aset yang bernilai bagi organisasi. Pihak manajemen dan seluruh karyawan harus memberikan dukungan penuh terhadap projek tersebut. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan projek dimaksud dapat tercapai dengan melibatkan setiap elemen organisasi sehingga hasilnya sesuai kebutuhan dan dapat ditingkatkan sesuai kebutuhan di masa datang.
Sistem baru yang akan dibangun harus dapat berjalan pada hardware dan software eksisting demi efisiensi biaya. Sistem tersebut harus mudah diakses oleh setiap karyawan dengan tingkatan akses yang berbeda untuk setiap karyawan dan beberapa informasi dapat diakses masyarakat luas melalui website guna mempromosikan layanannya.
5. Analisis
Ada beberapa alternatif untuk membangun proyek teknologi informasi tersebut:
1. Membeli software dan hardware baru sesuai kebutuhan masing-masing divisi kemudian diintegrasikan.
2. Mendesain dan membangun sistem yang baru dan tetap memanfaatkan hardware dan software eksisting.
Alternatif 1. memungkinkan implementasi sistem dapat dilakukan dengan cepat namun membutuhkan anggaran besar dan kemungkinan banyak fitur yang tidak digunakan karena tidak sesuai kebutuhan sehingga kurang efisien.
Alternatif 2. memungkinkan organisasi mendapatkan apa yang dibutuhkannya, biaya dapat ditekan, namun implementasinya perlu waktu.
Dari kedua alternatif tersebut, maka diputuskan untuk menggunakan alternatif 2. agar sistem yang dihasilkan benar-benar sesuai kebutuhan saat ini dan masa datang serta tentunya efisien dari sisi biaya.
6. Kebutuhan Proyek Awal
Beberapa fitur penting sistem intranet diantaranya:
1. Sistem dibuat sesuai kebutuhan masing-masing divisi dan customizable. Divisi tersebut terdiri dari Sales & Marketing, Procurement & Maintenance, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology. Kesemuanya terintegrasi dan dapat diakses top manajemen.
2. Seluruh arsip yang penting didokumentasikan dalam electronic filling system.
3. Akses level yang berbeda untuk setiap karyawan.
4. Tersedia portal internal organisasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengakses berita internal, sistem informasi kepegawaian, email, perpustakaan online, diskusi online.
5. Tersedia website yang berisi informasi layanan, berita terbaru, membership, support.
7. Estimasi Biaya
Rencana Anggaran Biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam membangun sistem intranet diperkirakan sebesar $200,000. Kebutuhan anggaran tersebut akan digunakan untuk desain dan membangun sistem yang baru untuk setiap divisi, software-software yang dapat digunakan bersama, pembelian hardware baru yang dibutuhkan, upgrade hardware dan software eksisting, maintenance selama 1 tahun, training karyawan, sewa internet, pembuatan web portal.
8. Penjadwalan
Projek diharapkan dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan diluar training karyawan dan maintenance. Diasumsikan umur ekonomis sistem dapat mencapai minimal selama 3 (tiga) tahun.
9. Risiko yang Potensial
Beberapa potensi resiko yang dapat diidentifikasi antara lain:
1. Kemampuan dan kebiasaan karyawan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yang mungkin beragam sehingga perlu adanya awareness dan training bagi karyawan.
2. Penggunaan teknologi informasi rawan dari sisi keamanan sehingga sistem harus dilengkapi sistem keamanan yang memadai.
3. Legacy hardware dan software yang mungkin tidak kompatibel dengan sistem baru sehingga perlu upgrade namun diharapkan tidak signifikan.
Senin, 29 November 2010
Garuda Indonesia Masih Menderita Akibat IOCS
POSTED BY: CHARETTE ROBERT / Selasa, 23 November 2010
Akhir pekan lalu, maskapai penerbangan nasional, Garuda Indonesia melakukan migrasi ke Integrated Operasional Control System (IOCS) untuk pengelolaan terpadu penerbangan, awak pesawat dan penumpang. Sebelumnya, ketiga fungsi dilaksanakan dalam sistem yang berbeda. Namun, migrasi tidak berjalan lancar. Sebagai siaran pers penerbangan hari ini mencatat:
"Sistem baru cukup memantau operasi besar, terdiri dari maskapai penerbangan jet 81, 580 pilot, 2.000 awak kabin dan 2.000 penerbangan per minggu. Meskipun persiapan yang intensif dan simulasi, migrasi / proses transisi dari sistem lama ke sistem baru masih mengalami masalah, seperti mencampur dalam penjadwalan awak kabin, yang kemudian menyebabkan penundaan dan pembatalan penerbangan. "
Menurut cerita ini pada akhir pekan lalu di Jakarta Globe, salah satu alasan adalah bahwa ada "masalah selama migrasi database. Jadwal dari awak kabin tidak benar dipindahkan" sebagai hasilnya. Masalah lain yang dilaporkan adalah bahwa kabel komputer tidak terpasang selama migrasi. Ribuan penumpang telah terdampar di seluruh Indonesia dan banyak tempat lain, penerbangan telah dibatalkan dan banyak lagi tertunda. The Jakarta Post, misalnya, mengatakan bahwa "lebih dari 5.000 jamaah haji Indonesia di Arab Saudi" telah terlantar karena pembatalan.
Maskapai ini berjanji ketika masalah pertama muncul bahwa segala sesuatu akan kembali normal kemarin (Senin), tetapi sekarang menjanjikan segala sesuatu yang akan kembali normal pada hari Kamis. Manajemen Garuda harus benar saat ini. Kepala transportasi udara di Departemen Perhubungan, Herry Bakti Gumay, mengatakan kemarin di Jakarta Post bahwa Garuda harus kembali ke sistem lama jika hal-hal salah yang tidak segera diluruskan, sedangkan Menteri Negara BUMN Mustafa Abubakar mengatakan hari ini di Jakarta Post bahwa ia berencana untuk "menjatuhkan sanksi" pada perusahaan penerbangan karena masalah yang sedang berlangsung.
The Jakarta Post juga melaporkan bahwa Pramono Anung, Wakil Ketua DPR dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P), curiga terhadap alasan diberikan. Menurut cerita, dia percaya (tanpa bukti, ia mengakui) bahwa IOCS penerbangan adalah sebuah upaya sengaja untuk menurunkan harga saham penawaran umum perdana Garuda (IPO) yang direncanakan Juni tahun ini, maka November, tapi sekarang tampak seperti Februari 2011.
Cerita laporan Wakil Ketua Anung sebagai percaya bahwa "... penjelasan resmi perusahaan bahwa sebuah kesalahan sistem komputer di baru perusahaan TI berada di balik pembatalan hanya tidak angka."Anung adalah kutipan di kertas yang mengatakan,
"Tidak ada cara bahwa para pejabat perusahaan tidak bisa dapat mencegah efek samping dari saklar [ke sistem komputer baru]."Sayang, jika penjelasan yang itu benar.
Saya takut bahwa insiden ini lebih cenderung sederhana dari konspirasi kompleks, karena banyak postingan sistem TI dari perusahaan penerbangan dari seluruh dunia seperti ini satu di blog Faktor Risiko secara rutin menunjukkan.
[Update - Garuda mengatakan pada hari Jumat, tanggal 26 November, semuanya kembali normal. Sebuah kisah di hari Jumat Jakarta Post mengatakan bahwa Garuda menderita "Rp 250 juta (US $ 28.000) pada kerugian dan lain Rp 2 miliar dalam kerugian kesempatan dari skor membatalkan penerbangan."]
Sekilas Tentang Sertifikasi Dosen
Dosen adalah salah satu komponen esensial dalam suatu sistem pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Peran, tugas, dan tanggungjawab dosen sangat penting dalam mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional, yaitu mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, meningkatkan kualitas manusia Indonesia, meliputi kualitas iman/takwa, akhlak mulia, dan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni, serta mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia yang maju, adil, makmur, dan beradab. Untuk melaksanakan fungsi, peran, dan kedudukan yang sangat strategis tersebut, diperlukan dosen yang profesional.
Sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, dosen dinyatakan sebagai pendidik profesional dan ilmuwan dengan tugas utama mentransformasikan, mengembangkan, dan menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni melalui pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (Bab 1 Pasal 1 ayat 2). Sementara itu, profesional dinyatakan sebagai pekerjaan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang dan menjadi sumber penghasilan kehidupan yang memerlukan keahlian, kemahiran, atau kecakapan yang memenuhi standar mutu atau norma tertentu serta memerlukan pendidikan profesi.
Kualifikasi akademik dosen dan berbagai aspek unjuk kerja sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Surat Keputusan Menkowasbangpan Nomor 38 Tahun 1999, merupakan salah satu elemen penentu kewenangan dosen mengajar di suatu jenjang pendidikan. Di samping itu, penguasaan kompetensi dosen juga merupakan persyaratan penentu kewenangan mengajar. Kompetensi tenaga pendidik, khususnya dosen, diartikan sebagai seperangkat pengetahuan, keterampilan dan perilaku yang harus dimiliki, dihayati, dikuasai dan diwujudkan oleh dosen dalam melaksanakan tugas profesionalnya. Kompetensi tersebut meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial dan kompetensi profesional.
Kompetensi dosen menentukan kualitas pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi sebagaimana yang ditunjukkan dalam kegiatan profesional dosen. Dosen yang kompeten untuk melaksanakan tugasnya secara profesional adalah dosen yang memiliki kompetensi pedagogik, profesional, kepribadian dan sosial yang diperlukan dalam praktek pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Mahasiswa, teman sejawat dan atasan dapat menilai tingkat menguasaan kompetensi dosen. Oleh karena penilaian ini di dasarkan atas persepsi selama berinteraksi antara dosen dengan para penilai maka penilaian ini disebut penilaian persepsional.
Kualifikasi akademik dan unjuk kerja, tingkat penguasaan kompetensi sebagaimana yang dinilai orang lain dan diri sendiri, dan pernyataan kontribusi dari diri sendiri, secara berasama-sama, akan menentukan profesionalisme dosen. Profesionalisme seorang dosen dan kewenangan mengajarnya dinyatakan melalui pemberian sertifikat pendidik. Sebagai penghargaan atas profesionalisme dosen, pemerintah menyediakan berbagai tunjangan serta maslahat yang terkait dengan profesionalisme seorang dosen.
Sertifikasi dosen adalah proses pemberian sertifikat pendidik kepada dosen. Program ini merupakan upaya meningkatkan mutu pendidikan nasional, dan memperbaiki kesejahteraan hidup dosen, dengan mendorong dosen untuk secara berkelanjutan meningkatkan profesionalismenya. Sertifikat pendidik yang diberikan kepada dosen melalui proses sertifikasi adalah bukti formal pengakuan terhadap dosen sebagai tenaga profesional jenjang pendidikan tinggi.
Proses sertifikasi dilakukan oleh sertifikator, atau asesor, yang diusulkan oleh perguruan tinggi penyelenggara sertifikasi dosen setelah mengikuti pembekalan sertifikasi, dan mendapatkan pengesahan dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
Sertifikasi dosen merupakan program yang dijalankan berdasar pada UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, UU Nomor 14 Tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen, dan Permen Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 tentang Sertifikasi Dosen.
Sertifikasi dosen bertujuan untuk menilai profesionalisme dosen, guna meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dalam sistem pendidikan tinggi. Pengakuan profesionalisme dinyatakan dalam bentuk pemberian sertifikat pendidik.
Sertifikasi Dosen merupakan kerjasama beberapa lembaga. Lembaga yang terlibat dalam proses ini adalah (1) Depdiknas/Dikti, (2) Perguruan Tinggi Pengusul dosen calon peserta sertifkasi, (3) PTP-Serdos, dan (4) Kopertis (khusus untuk PTS). Perguruan tinggi pengusul adalah semua perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang mengusulkan dosennya untuk mengikuti proses sertifikasi. PTP-Serdos (perguruan tinggi pelaksana sertifikasi) adalah perguruan tinggi yang ditunjuk oleh Mendiknas untuk menjadi penyelenggara sertifikasi dosen (menilai portofolio beserta seluruh rangkaian prosesnya). PTP-Serdos selaku PT-Pengusul juga wajib mengusulkan dosennya untuk disertifikasi sesuai kuota yang diterimanya.
Disarikan dari panduan sertifikasi dosen Ditnaga Ditjen Dikti Kemdiknas.
Minggu, 28 November 2010
Methodist Hospital of Indiana (Part 2)
Dear Bloggers,
Saya lanjutkan studi kasus integrasi IT ke bisnis pada rumah sakit Methodist Hospital of Indiana, pada bagian akhir akan diberikan resume dan sedikit analisisnya :
The Pilot Applications
The major application provided through the pilot system was the Patient Care Application that provided physicians with information on their patients. The pilot system also provided a purchased electronic mail system and WordPerfect word processing software. Another application emulated the dedicated terminals of the laboratory computer system, the radiology computer system, and the physician office system on the IXP’s PC workstations. This emulation allowed a person to access these three systems from an IXP workstation, but did not change the look or feel of these systems, and the person still had to have an authorized password to access these systems. Because of its size and complexity, the team decided not to include the Master Patient Index application in the initial pilot. The data for the Patient Care Application were created as a result of procedures performed for a patient and were originally stored in ancillary or departmental systems, such as the laboratory
or radiology. This application extracted these data from the various computers and made the data available to physicians on intelligent workstations in several formats, such as reports and/or graphs.
As shown in Exhibit 6, the Patient Care Application employed a graphical user interface. By double-clicking on the In-Patients icon, a physician obtained a list of all his or her patients in the hospital, as shown in Exhibit 7. Information on patient ROBERTSON is contained in four folders that are available by doubleclicking
on Robertson’s name to obtain the Patient Care Results window shown in Exhibit 8. Clicking on the Laboratory icon displays a list of all the available lab procedures for patient Robertson in notebook format as shown in Exhibit 9, with tabs shown for each department that has performed tests on her. By clicking on the Hematology tab, we obtain the spreadsheet display of hematology tests shown in Exhibit 10. By pointing to the MCHC line, the physician could obtain detailed data from that test or cause the data to be displayed in graphical form as shown in Exhibit 11. The above example is representative of many options from which the physician could choose.
Installation of the Pilot System As mentioned previously, the pilot was scheduled to be delivered to users on April 1, 1992. But problems arose with project staffing and management, and there were delays in installing a new laboratory computer and in moving the multiplexer room, both of which caused delays in this project. In August 1992, the pilot system was installed and user training began.
When the pilot system was installed and used by a diverse group of about 30 people, it became clear that the software and hardware would not support a full deployment of the system. According to Zerrenner, The PICSTalk system for interfacing all our various computers with the system could not handle the load. Furthermore, OS/2 would not allow us to make a software change on our workstations from a central location—we had to physically change each workstation, which was not acceptable when we were planning to deploy a thousand workstations. The failure of the pilot was a major setback in the development of the IXP in both time and dollars, but it was not
Methodist Hospital lost about a year, but according to Zerrenner:
We had invested about $2 million at that point, but we were able to salvage all the hardware and the system design work, so we only lost the $700,000 we spent on writing code. But this was a tremendous educational experience for my staff and made us a much better software purchaser. At that point Methodist management had to decide
whether or not to continue the IXP effort. Zerrenner went to CEO William J. Loveday and explained:
This was unfortunate, but it proves the value of the incremental prototype-pilot-deploy approach. Instead of risking a $20 million failure with a contract for a complete system, we are only out $700,000, have learned a lot from the experience, and have not been seriously embarrassed. Continuation of the Project Loveday might have shut down the IXP project and waited until the technology was more mature, but he agreed with Zerrenner’s analysis and authorized the continuation of the project.
In late 1992 Methodist Hospital sought another systems integrator to assist with the project. In April of 1993 Ameritech Health Connections (AHC), a subsidiary of Ameritech, was chosen to continue the project. According to Zerrenner, Ameritech Health Connections (AHC) had two efforts underway at that time—development of community health information networks, and building the repository for electronic patient records. These fit in with what we were trying to do in the IXP, and my staff felt that the AHC approach best fit our needs. It was also very “open,” with a standard interface engine and a standard database; nothing was proprietary.
Using AHC’s network technology, Methodist was able to rapidly upgrade the IXP network by replacing the pilot IXP’s hardware and software. The PS/2 communications server
running PICSTalk in Exhibit 5 was replaced with a Sun SparCenter 1000 computer running Datagate software under Unix (called the data integration hub in Exhibit 12), and the RS/6000 database server was replaced with the SUN SparCenter 2000 replication server as shown in Exhibit 12. In mid-1993 Methodist began to put applications on this upgraded IXP network and to add workstations and locations to the network.
In mid-1993 Methodist also negotiated a fixed-cost $600,000 contract with AHC to provide the repository for Methodist patient records. The repository was to be delivered in March of 1994, but that date proved to be unrealistic.
Zerrenner explained:
Unfortunately the AHC software was not as far along as we had thought. We started out Beta testing, soon went back to Alpha testing, and finally got back to quality assurance testing of the system. Then we went back through Alpha testing and Beta
testing with AHC before AHC finally had a product we could use and AHC could sell. That took an extra year, so we did not begin to install the production system until May 1995. Although it has been frustrating, the process has also been rewarding both for us and for AHC. AHC has been totally committed to the project and has poured resources into it far beyond what we paid for. Four or five major health centers around the country have already bought the system,so AHC will get its money back selling the system to other hospitals.
We now have a clinical repository that contains the information to satisfy about 80 percent of the requests for patient record information within a few seconds. The data in this repository is obtained through the IXP from other systems serving the
laboratory, radiology, and patient registration. Even dictated reports such as Post-Operative Reports and Discharge Summaries are captured from the medical transcription system that is on the IXP.
During the period from 1993 to 1995—while the repository was under development—Methodist installed over 30 applications on the IXP network. For example, the materials management system allowed users to order all supplies and medicines from any location in the Methodist Health Care System. Methodist also installed the Pyxis automatic drug dispensing system at the nursing units. This system was linked through the network to the materials management system so that inventories are updated and replenishment of medicines at the various stations is automatically scheduled.
The nurses’ staffing and scheduling system was interfaced to the patient registration system as well as a time and attendance system. This combination allowed Methodist to better utilize its nursing staff by immediately shifting nurses from an overstaffed unit to a unit that was understaffed based on current patient demand at each unit. The nurses’ staffing and scheduling system was also interfaced to the payroll system
that calculates each nurse’s pay based upon the rates of the various units within which the nurse has worked. Previously the unit managers had to do these complex payroll calculations manually, so this interface eliminated some 1,200 hours a month of effort by the 30 unit managers.
Status in September 1995
By September 1995, some 300 workstations at the main Methodist Hospital campus and some 18 remote locations were being served through the IXP, and the patient record
system was operational. When a patient showed up at the Emergency Room, the staff could immediately bring up his record on the computer instead of waiting 45 minutes for a paper record to be manually retrieved from medical records storage. Dr. Moeller’s vision that patients’ medical records be available through the system from every physician’s office and every Methodist Health Care location was becoming a
When Zerrenner took over in 1991, there were 98 people with six layers of management in the Methodist IS department. The main function of these people was to support the TDS system on the mainframe. In September 1995 there were only 58 people in the central IS department. Seven of these people were directors reporting to Zerrenner, and everyone else was a knowledge worker. The main function of the IS department had become supporting the IXP network and writing the interface code between purchased systems and Datagate rather than developing new systems. Most of the IS staff have become telecommunications people, database people, or systems integrators. As was true before the development of the IXP, other computer specialists continued to work for the various laboratories supporting minicomputers and systems that make data available via the IXP.
Zerrenner emphasized that the system was still quite basic:
Now that the physicians have access to all this information, they also want two-way communication so that they can order lab tests and X-rays through the system. Then they will want to place medication orders, so we will need to get the hospital
pharmacy system hooked in, and perhaps even include 448 Part III Acquiring Information Systems major drugstore pharmacy systems. Each time we add capability
to the system we will prototype it and pilot it before rolling it out.
According to Moeller, The current system only retains information on a patient for a
few months. With our modular system, it should not be too difficult to add a mass storage component for medical records so that we can make all the history of a patient available, although it may take a minute or so rather than a few milliseconds to retrieve it.
We have not even touched the research potential of having medical records in electronic form. We need to be able to analyze the effectiveness of patient care for a diagnosis-related group. For example, recently we had to do a very expensive
chart-by-chart review of coronary bypass patients in order to bid on a Medicare project. The cardiologists were shocked at some of the sources of error that they discovered when they systematically analyzed the data on a large number of patients. We have radically improved our success rate by modifying our coronary bypass process, and I am sure that we will greatly improve many of the other things we do when we can obtain the necessary data.
Dr. Moeller’s Role and Perspective
Dr. Moeller was on the original planning committee and has chaired the IS steering committee since its inception. Although there have been a number of physicians on the hospital staff who have been strong supporters of the IXP project, Dr. Moeller has provided extraordinary leadership in a number of roles. According to Zerrenner:
As much as Doug enjoyed playing with the IXP and computers, he was still a physician first. He truly understood the value of information at the point of care. And he was empathetic with the other physicians’ problems, whether they were specialists,
primary-care physicians, or whatever. Doug has been an effective voice for the IXP vision to the power structure of the hospital. He was on the executive committee
of the Medical Staff Council, one of the most powerful policy bodies in the hospital, and he constantly talked about the value of the information exchange platform to the council.
Doug was also on the Methodist Hospital delivery system board that was formed to enhance relations between the hospital and physicians. This board is very key in building our referral business and our managed care business, and in networking
between physicians, HMOs, and hospitals all across the state. Doug has been an enthusiastic and effective salesman. Not only did he design the prototype system, but he gave about 50 demonstrations to over 150 people. And every time he did a presentation he was just as enthusiastic as the first time! If a physician was looking at the screen he would talk in physician language, and when he was demonstrating to nurses he would talk in nursing terms. Because he understood their
problems and could talk their language, they could all visualize how they could solve some of their information problems with this platform.
Finally, as an influential physician, he was able to keep some of the players honest. Everyone understands that the physicians are the true customers of the hospital. Doug was able to defuse turf battles by being very vocal in keeping people focused on the hospital’s true business rather than on how the system affected their individual departments.
Moeller reminisced:
When I started out I knew very little about the technology, but Walt gave me some books to read and took me to some conferences, and I have worked hard to educate myself. The hardest part was learning the terminology, not only computerese but also understanding business terms. I have found that the discipline involved in the design and analysis process is quite similar to the analysis I do if you come to me as a patient. A human can be viewed to be a system of components—liver, heart, kidneys—with very complex relationships and communications between these components. My
definition of a complex system is one in which multiple measures exist for each component, and if you simply pick one and fail to measure others you can come to the wrong conclusions by reducing the system to something simpler than it actually is. That is why information is so important to medical care.
This exposure to the systems approach has radically changed the way I do almost everything that I do, including my medical practice. Physicians have always been trained to be independent decision-makers, and they tend to function as independent
units. The transition that health care needs to make is to go from a craft-based specialty organization to a team-based production facility, where there is interdependency and shared resources. If the internetworking that can occur in our IXP system is successful then we will have made a major advance in supporting health care requirements.
Dari studi kasus di atas, terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dapat kita simpulkan :
1.Clarian Health merupakan hasil merger dari Methodist Hospital of Indiana dengan Indiana University Hospital, membutuhkan integrasi sistem IT.
2.Methodist Hospital of Indiana melakukan merger di saat kondisi rumah sakit dinyatakan sehat dari aspek manajerial, keuangan, dan lain-lain, dapat dilihat dari jumlah tempat tidur 1.200 buah, 80.000 kunjungan ke UGD, 250.000 pasien yang berobat jalan dan 43.000 pasien rawat inap, terdapat perubahan mekanisme kerja dan beban fungsi IT semakin meningkat dengan adanya merger.
3.Dengan sarana dan prasarana IT yang cukup baik, namun masih terdapat kendala pada ketidakmampuan untuk sharing data pada TDS (patient management system) yaitu hanya dapat menampilkan data pasien pada saat itu saja dan tidak dalam jangka waktu yang panjang, tidak terhubung ke sistem rontgent, farmasi, penelitian medis dan marketing, hanya dapat diakses dari terminal di rumah sakit/tidak dapat online di luar jangkauan rumah sakit.
4.Data pasien tidak dapat dengan segera didapatkan dari dokter dan perawat sehingga kesulitan mendapat hasil tes, diagnosis dan prosedur (dokter) dan kurang informasi tentang prosedur yang diberikan oleh dokter (perawat).
5.Nomor pasien yang tadinya 7 digit menjadi 8 digit mengakibatkan sistem arsip tidak dapat menemukan penomoran pasien sehingga dokter sulit mendapatkan sejarah data medis pasien dan pada akhirnya dilakukan cek ulang terhadap pasien yang berdampak pada tertundanya obat dan pemborosan.
6.Pada integrasi sistem pasien rawat jalan, pendaftaran dilakukan di setiap klinik sedangkan klinik tidak memiliki akses medis ke klinik lain, sehingga dokter sulit mendiagnosis suatu penyakit dan pasien harus membawa catatan medis sendiri.
7.Rumah sakit memiliki masalah komunikasi antar departemen (75.000 karyawan), sehingga setiap pegawai tidak seluruhnya mengetahui visi dan misi rumah sakit serta proses yang sedang berjalan.
Namun Zerrenner (CIO) mengubah IS Departement yang tadinya dissatified with service (poor reputation) dengan visi yang disesuaikan yakni SIM rumah sakit merencanakan setiap dokter diberikan PC, namun dalam menyusun rencana strategisnya yang telah dikembangkan tidak meminta masukan dari user.
Selanjutnya dikembangkan Proyek IXP yang memiliki dasar tujuan dan ruang lingkup, prototipe, sistem pilot dan status produksi. Karena IS Departement tidak memiliki teknologi terdepan dan keterampilan dalam pemanfaatan teknologinya, mengakibatkan masalah teknis komunikasi di lokasi terpencil.
Memang dalam pengembangan proyek tersebut terjadi kegagalan yaitu mundur selama 1 tahun dari yang telah dijadwalkan sehingga memakan biaya dan waktu. Permasalahannya yaitu tidak adanya kompabilitas/integrasi antara software dan hardware yang tidak didukung sistem secara penuh seperti OS/2 tidak dapat melakukan perubahan software pada workstation yang lokasinya tidak terjangkau. Walaupun sistem sudah terinstall dan dilakukan pelatihan user.
Jika kita melihat pada teori integrasi IT ke dalam bisnis, permasalahan human acceptance adalah prioritas yang paling penting diperhatikan. Sehingga methodologi pada IT Strategic Planning harus mengacu pada :
1.Key question
3.Assessment : IT Assessment is a snapshot of IT efficiency, IT SPOT (Strategy, Process, Organization, Technology)
4.Strategy formulation : Blueprint IT Infrastructure, applications, information, business. Knowledge Management, contoh Reimenting process yaitu Core activity clusters, technology platform, cross platform linkages.
5.Planning : project prioritization
6.Solution selection
Saya lanjutkan studi kasus integrasi IT ke bisnis pada rumah sakit Methodist Hospital of Indiana, pada bagian akhir akan diberikan resume dan sedikit analisisnya :
The Pilot Applications
The major application provided through the pilot system was the Patient Care Application that provided physicians with information on their patients. The pilot system also provided a purchased electronic mail system and WordPerfect word processing software. Another application emulated the dedicated terminals of the laboratory computer system, the radiology computer system, and the physician office system on the IXP’s PC workstations. This emulation allowed a person to access these three systems from an IXP workstation, but did not change the look or feel of these systems, and the person still had to have an authorized password to access these systems. Because of its size and complexity, the team decided not to include the Master Patient Index application in the initial pilot. The data for the Patient Care Application were created as a result of procedures performed for a patient and were originally stored in ancillary or departmental systems, such as the laboratory
or radiology. This application extracted these data from the various computers and made the data available to physicians on intelligent workstations in several formats, such as reports and/or graphs.
As shown in Exhibit 6, the Patient Care Application employed a graphical user interface. By double-clicking on the In-Patients icon, a physician obtained a list of all his or her patients in the hospital, as shown in Exhibit 7. Information on patient ROBERTSON is contained in four folders that are available by doubleclicking
on Robertson’s name to obtain the Patient Care Results window shown in Exhibit 8. Clicking on the Laboratory icon displays a list of all the available lab procedures for patient Robertson in notebook format as shown in Exhibit 9, with tabs shown for each department that has performed tests on her. By clicking on the Hematology tab, we obtain the spreadsheet display of hematology tests shown in Exhibit 10. By pointing to the MCHC line, the physician could obtain detailed data from that test or cause the data to be displayed in graphical form as shown in Exhibit 11. The above example is representative of many options from which the physician could choose.
Installation of the Pilot System As mentioned previously, the pilot was scheduled to be delivered to users on April 1, 1992. But problems arose with project staffing and management, and there were delays in installing a new laboratory computer and in moving the multiplexer room, both of which caused delays in this project. In August 1992, the pilot system was installed and user training began.
When the pilot system was installed and used by a diverse group of about 30 people, it became clear that the software and hardware would not support a full deployment of the system. According to Zerrenner, The PICSTalk system for interfacing all our various computers with the system could not handle the load. Furthermore, OS/2 would not allow us to make a software change on our workstations from a central location—we had to physically change each workstation, which was not acceptable when we were planning to deploy a thousand workstations. The failure of the pilot was a major setback in the development of the IXP in both time and dollars, but it was not
Methodist Hospital lost about a year, but according to Zerrenner:
We had invested about $2 million at that point, but we were able to salvage all the hardware and the system design work, so we only lost the $700,000 we spent on writing code. But this was a tremendous educational experience for my staff and made us a much better software purchaser. At that point Methodist management had to decide
whether or not to continue the IXP effort. Zerrenner went to CEO William J. Loveday and explained:
This was unfortunate, but it proves the value of the incremental prototype-pilot-deploy approach. Instead of risking a $20 million failure with a contract for a complete system, we are only out $700,000, have learned a lot from the experience, and have not been seriously embarrassed. Continuation of the Project Loveday might have shut down the IXP project and waited until the technology was more mature, but he agreed with Zerrenner’s analysis and authorized the continuation of the project.
In late 1992 Methodist Hospital sought another systems integrator to assist with the project. In April of 1993 Ameritech Health Connections (AHC), a subsidiary of Ameritech, was chosen to continue the project. According to Zerrenner, Ameritech Health Connections (AHC) had two efforts underway at that time—development of community health information networks, and building the repository for electronic patient records. These fit in with what we were trying to do in the IXP, and my staff felt that the AHC approach best fit our needs. It was also very “open,” with a standard interface engine and a standard database; nothing was proprietary.
Using AHC’s network technology, Methodist was able to rapidly upgrade the IXP network by replacing the pilot IXP’s hardware and software. The PS/2 communications server
running PICSTalk in Exhibit 5 was replaced with a Sun SparCenter 1000 computer running Datagate software under Unix (called the data integration hub in Exhibit 12), and the RS/6000 database server was replaced with the SUN SparCenter 2000 replication server as shown in Exhibit 12. In mid-1993 Methodist began to put applications on this upgraded IXP network and to add workstations and locations to the network.
In mid-1993 Methodist also negotiated a fixed-cost $600,000 contract with AHC to provide the repository for Methodist patient records. The repository was to be delivered in March of 1994, but that date proved to be unrealistic.
Zerrenner explained:
Unfortunately the AHC software was not as far along as we had thought. We started out Beta testing, soon went back to Alpha testing, and finally got back to quality assurance testing of the system. Then we went back through Alpha testing and Beta
testing with AHC before AHC finally had a product we could use and AHC could sell. That took an extra year, so we did not begin to install the production system until May 1995. Although it has been frustrating, the process has also been rewarding both for us and for AHC. AHC has been totally committed to the project and has poured resources into it far beyond what we paid for. Four or five major health centers around the country have already bought the system,so AHC will get its money back selling the system to other hospitals.
We now have a clinical repository that contains the information to satisfy about 80 percent of the requests for patient record information within a few seconds. The data in this repository is obtained through the IXP from other systems serving the
laboratory, radiology, and patient registration. Even dictated reports such as Post-Operative Reports and Discharge Summaries are captured from the medical transcription system that is on the IXP.
During the period from 1993 to 1995—while the repository was under development—Methodist installed over 30 applications on the IXP network. For example, the materials management system allowed users to order all supplies and medicines from any location in the Methodist Health Care System. Methodist also installed the Pyxis automatic drug dispensing system at the nursing units. This system was linked through the network to the materials management system so that inventories are updated and replenishment of medicines at the various stations is automatically scheduled.
The nurses’ staffing and scheduling system was interfaced to the patient registration system as well as a time and attendance system. This combination allowed Methodist to better utilize its nursing staff by immediately shifting nurses from an overstaffed unit to a unit that was understaffed based on current patient demand at each unit. The nurses’ staffing and scheduling system was also interfaced to the payroll system
that calculates each nurse’s pay based upon the rates of the various units within which the nurse has worked. Previously the unit managers had to do these complex payroll calculations manually, so this interface eliminated some 1,200 hours a month of effort by the 30 unit managers.
Status in September 1995
By September 1995, some 300 workstations at the main Methodist Hospital campus and some 18 remote locations were being served through the IXP, and the patient record
system was operational. When a patient showed up at the Emergency Room, the staff could immediately bring up his record on the computer instead of waiting 45 minutes for a paper record to be manually retrieved from medical records storage. Dr. Moeller’s vision that patients’ medical records be available through the system from every physician’s office and every Methodist Health Care location was becoming a
When Zerrenner took over in 1991, there were 98 people with six layers of management in the Methodist IS department. The main function of these people was to support the TDS system on the mainframe. In September 1995 there were only 58 people in the central IS department. Seven of these people were directors reporting to Zerrenner, and everyone else was a knowledge worker. The main function of the IS department had become supporting the IXP network and writing the interface code between purchased systems and Datagate rather than developing new systems. Most of the IS staff have become telecommunications people, database people, or systems integrators. As was true before the development of the IXP, other computer specialists continued to work for the various laboratories supporting minicomputers and systems that make data available via the IXP.
Zerrenner emphasized that the system was still quite basic:
Now that the physicians have access to all this information, they also want two-way communication so that they can order lab tests and X-rays through the system. Then they will want to place medication orders, so we will need to get the hospital
pharmacy system hooked in, and perhaps even include 448 Part III Acquiring Information Systems major drugstore pharmacy systems. Each time we add capability
to the system we will prototype it and pilot it before rolling it out.
According to Moeller, The current system only retains information on a patient for a
few months. With our modular system, it should not be too difficult to add a mass storage component for medical records so that we can make all the history of a patient available, although it may take a minute or so rather than a few milliseconds to retrieve it.
We have not even touched the research potential of having medical records in electronic form. We need to be able to analyze the effectiveness of patient care for a diagnosis-related group. For example, recently we had to do a very expensive
chart-by-chart review of coronary bypass patients in order to bid on a Medicare project. The cardiologists were shocked at some of the sources of error that they discovered when they systematically analyzed the data on a large number of patients. We have radically improved our success rate by modifying our coronary bypass process, and I am sure that we will greatly improve many of the other things we do when we can obtain the necessary data.
Dr. Moeller’s Role and Perspective
Dr. Moeller was on the original planning committee and has chaired the IS steering committee since its inception. Although there have been a number of physicians on the hospital staff who have been strong supporters of the IXP project, Dr. Moeller has provided extraordinary leadership in a number of roles. According to Zerrenner:
As much as Doug enjoyed playing with the IXP and computers, he was still a physician first. He truly understood the value of information at the point of care. And he was empathetic with the other physicians’ problems, whether they were specialists,
primary-care physicians, or whatever. Doug has been an effective voice for the IXP vision to the power structure of the hospital. He was on the executive committee
of the Medical Staff Council, one of the most powerful policy bodies in the hospital, and he constantly talked about the value of the information exchange platform to the council.
Doug was also on the Methodist Hospital delivery system board that was formed to enhance relations between the hospital and physicians. This board is very key in building our referral business and our managed care business, and in networking
between physicians, HMOs, and hospitals all across the state. Doug has been an enthusiastic and effective salesman. Not only did he design the prototype system, but he gave about 50 demonstrations to over 150 people. And every time he did a presentation he was just as enthusiastic as the first time! If a physician was looking at the screen he would talk in physician language, and when he was demonstrating to nurses he would talk in nursing terms. Because he understood their
problems and could talk their language, they could all visualize how they could solve some of their information problems with this platform.
Finally, as an influential physician, he was able to keep some of the players honest. Everyone understands that the physicians are the true customers of the hospital. Doug was able to defuse turf battles by being very vocal in keeping people focused on the hospital’s true business rather than on how the system affected their individual departments.
Moeller reminisced:
When I started out I knew very little about the technology, but Walt gave me some books to read and took me to some conferences, and I have worked hard to educate myself. The hardest part was learning the terminology, not only computerese but also understanding business terms. I have found that the discipline involved in the design and analysis process is quite similar to the analysis I do if you come to me as a patient. A human can be viewed to be a system of components—liver, heart, kidneys—with very complex relationships and communications between these components. My
definition of a complex system is one in which multiple measures exist for each component, and if you simply pick one and fail to measure others you can come to the wrong conclusions by reducing the system to something simpler than it actually is. That is why information is so important to medical care.
This exposure to the systems approach has radically changed the way I do almost everything that I do, including my medical practice. Physicians have always been trained to be independent decision-makers, and they tend to function as independent
units. The transition that health care needs to make is to go from a craft-based specialty organization to a team-based production facility, where there is interdependency and shared resources. If the internetworking that can occur in our IXP system is successful then we will have made a major advance in supporting health care requirements.
Dari studi kasus di atas, terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dapat kita simpulkan :
1.Clarian Health merupakan hasil merger dari Methodist Hospital of Indiana dengan Indiana University Hospital, membutuhkan integrasi sistem IT.
2.Methodist Hospital of Indiana melakukan merger di saat kondisi rumah sakit dinyatakan sehat dari aspek manajerial, keuangan, dan lain-lain, dapat dilihat dari jumlah tempat tidur 1.200 buah, 80.000 kunjungan ke UGD, 250.000 pasien yang berobat jalan dan 43.000 pasien rawat inap, terdapat perubahan mekanisme kerja dan beban fungsi IT semakin meningkat dengan adanya merger.
3.Dengan sarana dan prasarana IT yang cukup baik, namun masih terdapat kendala pada ketidakmampuan untuk sharing data pada TDS (patient management system) yaitu hanya dapat menampilkan data pasien pada saat itu saja dan tidak dalam jangka waktu yang panjang, tidak terhubung ke sistem rontgent, farmasi, penelitian medis dan marketing, hanya dapat diakses dari terminal di rumah sakit/tidak dapat online di luar jangkauan rumah sakit.
4.Data pasien tidak dapat dengan segera didapatkan dari dokter dan perawat sehingga kesulitan mendapat hasil tes, diagnosis dan prosedur (dokter) dan kurang informasi tentang prosedur yang diberikan oleh dokter (perawat).
5.Nomor pasien yang tadinya 7 digit menjadi 8 digit mengakibatkan sistem arsip tidak dapat menemukan penomoran pasien sehingga dokter sulit mendapatkan sejarah data medis pasien dan pada akhirnya dilakukan cek ulang terhadap pasien yang berdampak pada tertundanya obat dan pemborosan.
6.Pada integrasi sistem pasien rawat jalan, pendaftaran dilakukan di setiap klinik sedangkan klinik tidak memiliki akses medis ke klinik lain, sehingga dokter sulit mendiagnosis suatu penyakit dan pasien harus membawa catatan medis sendiri.
7.Rumah sakit memiliki masalah komunikasi antar departemen (75.000 karyawan), sehingga setiap pegawai tidak seluruhnya mengetahui visi dan misi rumah sakit serta proses yang sedang berjalan.
Namun Zerrenner (CIO) mengubah IS Departement yang tadinya dissatified with service (poor reputation) dengan visi yang disesuaikan yakni SIM rumah sakit merencanakan setiap dokter diberikan PC, namun dalam menyusun rencana strategisnya yang telah dikembangkan tidak meminta masukan dari user.
Selanjutnya dikembangkan Proyek IXP yang memiliki dasar tujuan dan ruang lingkup, prototipe, sistem pilot dan status produksi. Karena IS Departement tidak memiliki teknologi terdepan dan keterampilan dalam pemanfaatan teknologinya, mengakibatkan masalah teknis komunikasi di lokasi terpencil.
Memang dalam pengembangan proyek tersebut terjadi kegagalan yaitu mundur selama 1 tahun dari yang telah dijadwalkan sehingga memakan biaya dan waktu. Permasalahannya yaitu tidak adanya kompabilitas/integrasi antara software dan hardware yang tidak didukung sistem secara penuh seperti OS/2 tidak dapat melakukan perubahan software pada workstation yang lokasinya tidak terjangkau. Walaupun sistem sudah terinstall dan dilakukan pelatihan user.
Jika kita melihat pada teori integrasi IT ke dalam bisnis, permasalahan human acceptance adalah prioritas yang paling penting diperhatikan. Sehingga methodologi pada IT Strategic Planning harus mengacu pada :
1.Key question
3.Assessment : IT Assessment is a snapshot of IT efficiency, IT SPOT (Strategy, Process, Organization, Technology)
4.Strategy formulation : Blueprint IT Infrastructure, applications, information, business. Knowledge Management, contoh Reimenting process yaitu Core activity clusters, technology platform, cross platform linkages.
5.Planning : project prioritization
6.Solution selection
Sabtu, 27 November 2010
Methodist Hospital of Indiana (Part 1)
Artikel ini akan membahas kembali mengenai integrasi teknologi informasi ke dalam bisnis pada suatu rumah sakit. Silakan disimak studi kasus berikut ini :
Before Clarian Health was formed in January 1997 through the merger of Methodist Hospital of Indiana with Indiana University Hospitals, Methodist Hospital was a stand-alone 1,200-bed tertiary care teaching hospital that was nationally known for its organ transplant program and its Emergency Medicine and Trauma Center. The main hospital complex was located just northwest of downtown Indianapolis, and the hospital had established outpatient clinics throughout central Indiana. In 1990 when the events described below began, Methodist Hospital had about 43,000 patient admissions, served 250,000 outpatients, and received about 80,000 visits to its
emergency room. In the year ending February 28, 1991, Methodist Hospital had a net income of over $23 million on total operating revenue of over $416 million.
In 1988 the longtime head of Methodist Hospital retired, and William J. Loveday was hired away from Long Beach California Memorial Hospital to become the new CEO. Loveday quickly brought in a new management team, including John Fox as chief financial officer. The Information Services (IS) department reported to Fox, and it did not take Fox long to discover that Methodist Hospital had a stagnant IS department. To revitalize IS, Fox brought in Walter C. Zerrenner with the title of
chief information officer (CIO). Prior to joining Methodist Hospital, Zerrenner was vice president of information systems for Evangelical Health Systems of Oak Brook, Illinois, a regional health care system managing five hospitals and an extensive
managed care network in the Chicago area.
Information Systems at Methodist Hospital
Zerrenner found that the IS department was living in the past. In the mid-1970s Methodist Hospital had spent about $20 million to install a then state-of-the-art proprietary patient management system called TDS that maintained the medical records
of admitted hospital patients. TDS allowed the physician to order laboratory tests, X-rays, and other procedures through TDS terminals and to have the results reported through these terminals. This mainframe system also captured admitting information and produced billing information upon discharge of patients from the hospital. Over 500 dumb terminals located throughout the hospital were attached to the TDS system. After that big investment in the mid-1970s, however, the hospital had made only very minimal capital expenditures within the IS department, whose efforts had been primarily devoted to keeping the TDS system working and maintaining other mainframe
administrative systems.
When Zerrenner talked to doctors, nurses, and administrators throughout the hospital, he found that almost everyone was dissatisfied with the services provided by the IS department. As a consequence of this poor reputation, the departments and laboratories of the hospital had been acquiring their own systems, and 40 percent of Methodist Hospital’s information technology expenditures were outside the IS department.
Thus, in addition to a large IBM mainframe, Methodist Hospital had some 700 PCs, about a dozen local area networks, and 13 minicomputers scattered throughout the institution. These departmental minicomputer systems were the best systems available when they were purchased, and they served the departmental needs very well, but, with a few exceptions, none of these systems was capable of communicating with any of the others. Methodist Hospital’s data on patients were trapped in these separate systems and could not be obtained by those who needed the data unless they had access to the
particular system where the needed data were stored. The one major exception to this inability to share data was the TDS patient care system, but this system had serious limitations.
First, it only maintained data on current admitted patients, so it could not be used for the growing long-term requirements of the hospital’s outpatients. Second, it did not connect to systems in nuclear medicine, respiratory therapy, sports medicine,
occupational health, medical research, marketing, and the operating room. Third, it could only be accessed from terminals located in the hospital, so doctors could not use it from the clinics or their offices. Finally, the patient’s record was no longer
available as soon as the patient was billed, so if a discharged patient had unforeseen complications, his hospital records were only available in the paper medical records files.
Zerrenner found that the users were unhappy with the isolated systems that made it impossible for doctors and nurses to obtain data on patients. Surgeons recounted frustrating incidents when patients were already on the operating table, but they
could not start the operation because they could not get lab results. Physicians in the clinics found it very difficult to obtain information on test results, diagnoses, or procedures performed in other clinics or the hospital. And nurses were concerned
because it was very difficult to care for the patients when they lacked information on certain procedures ordered by doctors. The various clinics and departments did not have a standard way to identify patients, which also caused problems. Some of their systems had seven-digit identifiers, some had eight digits, some had alphanumeric identifiers, and so on. In addition, the filing system in medical records did not use the patient numbering system from the registration process. Therefore, when
physicians needed information on a patient’s history, they could not get it from the various computers because the patient was identified differently in each of them.
This drove both doctors and patients crazy, because they sometimes had to repeat tests on a patient when they could not find the previous result. This was costly, wasteful, and sometimes painful, and it also delayed treatment. Patients also were inconvenienced by the lack of integration in the systems. Outpatients had to register at each clinic, and it was not uncommon for patients to have to answer the same
questions four or five times in a day as they visited different clinics and hospital departments. Moreover, patients were irritated because one clinic did not have access to medical records from other clinics or departments. “My son had a problem that was difficult to diagnose,” reported one mother, “and I spent several months going from one Methodist Hospital clinic to another. I soon discovered that they had no access to records, so I had to maintain his record myself. I carried a big folder with me, and made sure that I got copies of everything that was done at each visit and put them in the folder. Then I would give the folder to the next doctor that we visited. It was so frustrating—the only reason that I put up with Methodist Hospital was that they had the best doctors!”
Developing an IS Vision
When Zerrenner arrived at Methodist Hospital he found three IS strategic plans sitting on the shelf gathering dust. These plans had been developed, without user input, by his predecessors. “I do not intend to develop another massive document,”
Zerrenner told CEO Loveday. “Instead, we are going to develop a vision of where we need to go, and then we are going to follow that vision!” This IS vision was driven by the Methodist Hospital Strategic Vision depicted in Exhibit 1.
At Zerrenner’s suggestion, Loveday appointed a 25-member IS planning committee, a short-term task force that would be disbanded after developing an IS vision. This committee had at least one person from every care-giving department in the hospital,
with heavy representation from physicians and nurses and relatively few administrators. It met ten times in the summer and fall of 1990 to formulate its recommendations.
The planning committee recognized that each of the standalone departmental computer systems was outstanding in its field and that these systems contained a lot of useful information. The problem was that this information was not accessible for use where it was needed. The clinics and departments needed to integrate their existing systems so that everyone could share access to the information contained in each computer.
The planning committee also recognized that it was not enough to share this information within the confines of the hospital—they needed to provide access to these data from locations outside the hospital.
Dr. Douglas J. Moeller, an internal medicine specialist with the Aegis Medical Clinic, was an active member of the planning committee and the elected chairman of the 200-physician internal medicine section of the hospital staff. “Our vision,” Moeller reports, “is that our information system will contain complete medical record data for admitted patients, outpatients, and clinical patients. Furthermore, every Methodist Hospital staff physician can have a PC in his office, or even his home, that will provide user-friendly, convenient access to the medical records of
patients and allow the physician to enter orders for patient treatment through the system. We would also like to provide limited access to the system to physicians outside of our immediate medical staff, so that they can have access to data on patients they have referred to Methodist Hospital.”
Having determined the vision and set the direction for the future, the question of how to provide the desired integration and access became paramount. “What we proposed to do,” Zerrenner explains, “was to keep our present systems and technology and to integrate them by means of an intelligent network that will connect them with the various users and also do the translating necessary to allow them to communicate
with each other.” This architecture, which is depicted in Exhibit 2 (page 438), made sense to CEO Loveday, and the development of this Information Exchange Platform (IXP) was endorsed by the Methodist Hospital board and included in the Methodist Hospital foundation strategies, shown in Exhibit 3 (page 439). The IXP also supports the “enhance physician/hospital collaboration” foundation strategy. Having completed its mission, the planning committee was disbanded in the fall of 1990. It was replaced by a ten-person IS steering committee whose mission was to provide policy direction, approve the IS plan, allocate IS resources, and oversee the development of the IXP.
Because the medical staff had the most clout with hospital top management, Zerrenner
stacked the IS steering committee with physicians, including the president of the medical staff, the director of quality assurance, and Moeller as its chairman. Chief Financial Officer Fox and Zerrenner were also members of the steering committee.
This committee quickly exerted its influence on information technology spending throughout Methodist Hospital, and most systems purchased since then by the departments have been approved by the committee to make sure that they conform to
the IXP architecture.
The IXP Project
Zerrenner decided to use a four-stage approach to develop the IXP:
1. Define the basic objectives and scope of the system.
2. Build a prototype to prove the concept and get buy-in from the organization.
3. Build a pilot system and use it to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept.
4. Use the pilot to refine the system and upgrade it to full production status.
Zerrenner had been introduced to this approach by John Donovan of the Cambridge Technology Group and had used it with great success when he was at Evangelical Health Systems. and from remote locations. They planned to enhance this system
incrementally, with each enhancement going through the definition, prototyping, piloting, and rollout process.
Development of the Prototype
Because support from the medical staff was crucial to the success of the IXP project, the team decided to demonstrate what could be offered through a physician’s PC workstation. Because he was actively involved and a willing participant, Dr. Moeller
played the user role in the prototyping process. The team that developed the prototype included four persons from IBM and several people from the Methodist Hospital IS department. Computer specialists from the laboratory and radiology departments also helped out. Starting in May 1991, prototype development was scheduled to be completed in four weeks, but it ended up taking five. The prototype cost about $170,000, evenly split between hardware and consulting services.
Although it would not be suitable for the production system, for rapid screen development they used Easel, a screen painting tool that the IBM people had used before. They used a PS/2 with the OS/2 operating system as the server on a small
token ring network.
Moeller reported:
We had to consider issues related to networking, the database, and the physicians’ workstation. We did not attempt to create a production network, but only tried to explore some of the issues we would encounter. Most of our technical problems
were in the communications area. Before we were done we had six different architectural layouts of how we would do the communications. Although our networking was fairly primitive, we did demonstrate the ability to acess all of the systerms and
to be interactive with a couple of them. We agreed to use a graphical user interface and to use a client/server architecture, locating as much of the functionality
as possible in the workstation, with a network database server providing data. This allows us to customize the application for different users.
Moeller demonstrated the completed prototype to more than 150 people, including top hospital management, top physician leadership, and people from the various service areas. “We had overwhelming acceptance of the capabilities of the prototype,” Moeller reports. “Some people were absolutely flabbergasted at what we had been able to do.” With this positive response from the hospital power structure, the team was quickly authorized to proceed with the piloting phase of the IXP project.
Development of the Pilot
The purpose of the piloting process was to prove the feasibility of the concept that was demonstrated by the prototype. With the technical problems in integrating the diverse systems that existed at Methodist Hospital, there was a significant question
as to whether the proposed system would work. The pilot system was a limited production system using real data, including data from all of the 200-odd registrations that take place each day in the hospital and in the clinics served by
the pilot. For these patients it also included data on laboratory and radiology procedures ordered and the test results. The database was large enough to hold up to six months of data on the patients served. It had ten workstations supporting about
30 users at six different locations, including some at nurses’ stations in the hospital, some in clinics, and one in a physician’s office several miles away.
The permanent staff on this project was 10 people, four from Methodist Hospital IS and six from IBM, and IBM specialists from other localities were brought in as needed. In addition to their roles in development, IBM personnel trained Methodist Hospital personnel on the technologies being employed, such as the UNIX operating system and the C++ object-oriented programming language. The development team used the information engineering methodology to develop the pilot and supported it with the Bachman CASE tool. This development process includes the following stages: requirements definition, external design, internal design, coding, testing, and installation. They started work on the pilot in June 1991, and it was scheduled to be installed by April 1, 1992. The pilot project was budgeted at about $1.2 million, including hardware, the fees to IBM, and the cost of Methodist Hospital IS personnel.
The JAD Sessions
In October 1991, the project team refined and augmented the initial set of functional requirements defined by the prototype by using joint application design (JAD) sessions. The JAD approach brings together a carefully selected group of users and systems people, with a facilitator to run the meetings. There is a recorder who captures data on what took place, and technical people and facilities are available to prototype screens in response to suggestions from the group.
Dr. Moeller participated in all three of the JAD groups. “The facilitator must be able to unobtrusively manage the group and prompt active and dynamic input from all the people involved,” Moeller reported. “Our facilitator, who was brought in from
Pennsylvania by IBM, was outstanding.”
The first JAD group consisted of three physicians—a pediatrician, a surgeon, and an internist (Dr. Moeller). The purpose was to refine the procedures and screens of the prototype system to produce the requirements of the initial patient care application that would be used by the doctors in the pilot. They met with project personnel for five four-hour sessions in which they discussed what information they needed and how they would prefer to control its presentation. At the end, the facilitator told Moeller: “That was extremely useful, but I have never been in such an intense session. You guys were beating each other up right and left!” Moeller’s response was: “That was mellow.
I thought we were pretty darn cordial—we weren’t evenfighting.” “What had happened,” Moeller explained, “was that we had deliberately chosen three physicians from different specialties so that they would represent the diverse population of physicians within the hospital. They were chosen because they had different perspectives on how to practice medicine, were leaders in their respective areas, and were committed to developing a system that would enable them to provide improved care
of their patients.” The second JAD group consisted of user representatives from the emergency room, patient accounts, admitting, operating room services, radiology services, the pharmacy, the laboratory,and Dr. Moeller. They met for five four-hour sessions in early November 1991 to define the data and screens for the Master Patient Index (MPI) subsystem. This subsystem matches a client with a unique client identifier (ID) and enables users to access all the records for that client, no matter where or when the patient had been served.
According to Moeller, Methodist Hospital had a problem of interdepartmental communication:
With some 7,500 employees, we had some aspects of a stovepipe organization where huge departments did not interact effectively with each other. The people at the top were supportive of the system, but the people several layers down who were really doing the work did not see the need to share their information. So one of our objectives was to get them to see the need for a common vision. On the first day most of the participants were wondering what they were doing there, but by the end of the fourth day these people had arrived at a common vision and realized that there were uses of the information generated in their departments that they had never even conceived of. They understood that when this project is successful they will have a tremendously
enhanced way to deliver their department’s data to their users.
In this JAD session the participants discovered that the admitting office was entering the data on patients into the medical records system, but that the medical records office was responsible for the accuracy of these records. The hospital
was depending on medical records to correct any input errors, and there was no feedback to the admitting office, so the people entering the data had no accountability for the data’s accuracy. “We were all startled when we realized the implications of that,” Moeller reported, “and both the medical records and
admitting groups agreed to make admitting responsible for entering and maintaining the Master Patient Index information.”
The third JAD session brought together the computer specialists from the labs and departments whose computers were to be interfaced with the network, together with the IS and IBM people on the project. The purpose was to clarify the technical issues in the project. This session, which was held in mid-November 1991, was only half as long as the other two had been. “We made the assumption that we would not need as much time to obtain consensus among the technical people,”Moeller explained, “but in retrospect this has come back to haunt us because of incomplete buy-in from the IS technical people. If we were to do it again we would make the technical JAD session at least as long as the others.”In addition to developing process definitions and defining all the input and output screens, another result of the JAD sessions was a revision of the data model that was created in the prototyping process.
The entity-relationship diagram from the data model is presented in Exhibit 4, but the data model also includes a table of the business rules that apply to each entity and relationship and a description of the attributes associated with each entity.
“The data model forced us to adopt a broader point of view,” asserted Moeller. “When there are a lot of arrows into a box, you have to come to grips with all the different functions that use it. And it also gave me a radically different way of understanding what is occurring. For example, taking an X-ray film of a patient is a procedure. Understanding that an office visit, an X-ray, a blood draw, and a physical therapy appointment are all examples of procedures that are all handled in the
identical fashion in the data model was quite interesting. It was quite a different way of thinking for me.”
The Design of the Pilot System
Based on the prototype and the JAD sessions, the team designed the IXP pilot system. This pilot system had two components—a computer and communications platform to support access to the different computer systems at Methodist Hospital, and the initial applications to be delivered by this platform.
The IXP Platform
According to a design document produced by the team, The objective of the IXP is to provide the user a single point of access to data that originates on several incompatible systems. Access to the data must be transparent to the user and presented in a readable and meaningful format across applications in the Methodist Health Care System (MHCS). The IXP will achieve this objective by providing an integrating platform of hardware, software, and network components.
The IXP will provide functions which will ultimately interface to systems both internal and external to MHCS, will provide data-base and network services to client applications on a local area network (LAN), and will provide a control point for IXP LAN management and maintaining system integrity.
The pilot platform configuration is shown in Exhibit 5. An Ethernet protocol over untwisted shielded pair was selected as the backbone network, partly because Ethernet skills were already available in the IS department. The software running the communications server was PICSTalk. According to Zerrenner, “At 30-second intervals the communications server polled each of the systems, providing data and reading
any new data they had generated. PICSTalk performed the translations required to translate the data from each system into standard form for transmission to the SYBASE relational database in the database server. PICSTalk also screened this data to eliminate any data not required for our system. For example, the name of the technologist who did a test is generated by the lab system, but it is not of interest to the physicians, so it is eliminated before the data is sent to the IXP database.”
The SYBASE software in the database server was a relational database management system with which some members of the design team were already familiar. The primary function of the database server was to provide data, because most of the application software resided in the applications server. Applications were run directly on the applications server or downloaded into the workstations for execution. Because the
network architecture provided for modularity, other types of workstations and additional servers could be easily added to the system.
The RS/6000 had the power to run both PICSTalk and SYBASE at the same time, but PICSTalk did not run under the UNIX/AIX operating system when the pilot was being designed. Therefore, the team was forced to use a PS/2 to run PICSTalk until a version of PICSTalk that ran under UNIX/AIX became available. Unfortunately, such compatibility problems are not uncommon.
Jumat, 26 November 2010
Sayonara Perguruan Tinggi Kedinasan
By Tri Wahyudi
"Aktivis PTK"
PTK yang sudah puluhan tahun dijalankan oleh sekitar 19 Kementerian/LPNK dan berjumlah 95 PTK dengan lebih dari 60.000 mahasiswa ini telah memiliki sumbangsih dalam pembangunan Indonesia. Awalnya PTK berdiri untuk mengemban misi pemerintah dalam pengaturan, pelayanan dan penyediaan kebutuhan dasar, diperlukan sumber daya PNS yang siap pakai dengan ciri berkemampuan akademik, profesional dan berkarakter kepelayanan.
Keluaran pendidikan tinggi umum, belum sepenuhnya dapat menghasilkan sumber daya pns yang siap melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi pemerintahan, karena hanya dibekali kemampuan akademik. Sedangkan tuntutan kebutuhan pemerintahan memerlukan keahlian tertentu sesuai profesi (profesional) dan karakter pelayanan.
Namun, PTK sendiri memiliki beberapa kelemahan yaitu :
1.Lemahnya kedudukan PTK dihadapkan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sisdiknas khususnya pasal 29 dan penjelasan pasal 15 serta Pasal 1 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 14 Tahun 2010 tentang Pendidikan Kedinasan.
Apabila mengacu pada pasal dan penjelasan tersebut --> semua PTK dilikuidasi;
2.Mendidik mahasiswa yang bukan PNS/CPNS dan tidak seluruh lulusan menjadi PNS;
3.Ketidakjelasan pembinaan PTK oleh instansi pembina fungsional diklat dan Kemdiknas cq Ditjen Dikti;
4.Adanya kesamaan fakultas/jurusan/program studi antara PTK dengan PTN/PTS;
5.Akreditasi PTK;
6.Subsidi APBN rata-rata 3x mahasiswa PTN;
Secara yuridis, berdasarkan Ayat (1) Pasal 53 Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sisdiknas berbunyi "Penyelenggara dan/atau satuan pendidikan formal yang didirikan oleh Pemerintah atau masyarakat berbentuk badan hukum pendidikan". Hal ini menjadi dasar/amanat dan perintah menjadi terbitnya PP 14 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pendidikan Kedinasan.
Pada pasal 29 dinyatakan sebagai berikut :
(1)Pendidikan kedinasan merupakan pendidikan profesi yang diselenggarakan oleh departemen atau lembaga pemerintah non departemen
(2)Pendidikan kedinasan berfungsi meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan dalam pelaksanaan tugas kedinasan bagi pegawai dan calon pegawai suatu departemen atau lembaga pemerintah non departemen.
(3)Pendidikan kedinasan diselenggarakan melalui jalur pendidikan formal dan non formal.
(4)Ketentuan mengenai pendidikan kedinasan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1), ayat (2) dan ayat (3) diatur lebih lanjut dengan Peraturan Pemerintah.
Sedangkan penjelasan pasal 15 alenia ke IV yaitu pendidikan profesi merupakan pendidikan tinggi setelah program sarjana yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk memiliki pekerjaan dengan persyaratan keahlian khusus.
Bahkan di Pasal 1 PP 14 tahun 2010, dinyatakan bahwa pendidikan kedinasan adalah pendidikan profesi yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian, kementerian lain atau lembaga pemerintah nonkementerian yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan dalam pelaksanaan tugas kedinasan bagi pegawai negeri dan calon pegawai negeri. Pendidikan profesi adalah pendidikan tinggi setelah program sarjana yang mempersiapkan peserta didik memiliki pekerjaan dengan persyaratan keahlian khusus.
Dari ke-4 pasal di atas, sudah mulai adanya pergeseran nomenklatur dari PERGURUAN TINGGI KEDINASAN menjadi PENDIDIKAN KEDINASAN. Perubahan lainnya yaitu seluruh PTK harus menjalankan program pendidikan setingkat S-2/Magister/Spesialis. Hal inilah yang menjadi semacam "perlawanan" dari seluruh PTK, karena saat ini ada yang melaksanakan program pendidikan Diploma-I, Diploma-III, dan Diploma IV serta Strata 1.
PTK sebenarnya sudah melakukan konsolidasi beberapa kali mengikuti sosialisasi yang dilakukan oleh Kemdiknas yaitu :
1.semiloka eksistensi pendidikan kedinasan ditinjau dari aspek yuridis, akademis dan empiris, diselenggarakan oleh IPDN, tanggal 11-13 Juli 2007 di Hotel Savoy Homman, Bandung, menghasilkan permohonan judicial review ke Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk menghapus pasal 29 dan penjelasan pasal 15 UU Nomor 20/2003.
2.Semiloka kajian transisi perguruan tinggi kedinasan, diselenggarakan oleh depdiknas, tanggal 23-25 Juli 2007 di Hotel Jaya Raya, Puncak, Bogor, menghasilkan 3 (tiga) opsi kebijakan penyelenggaraan PTK ke depan sesuai UU Nomor 20/2003 dan RPP pendidikan kedinasan.
3.Semiloka dan PTK Expo, kontribusi PTK dalam meningkatkan kualitas SDM Indonesia, diselenggarakan oleh STKS, tanggal 23 Mei 2009 di STKS Bandung, menghasilkan nota kesepakatan bersama pengelola PTK untuk mempertahankan status quo PTK dan membentuk kembali APTKI.
4.Sosialisasi PP 14 Tahun 2010 tentang Pendidikan Kedinasan yang dilaksanakan di Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat yang dipimpin oleh Sesmenko Kesra dan Wamendiknas pada tanggal 26 Pebruari 2010, menghasilkan peralihan PTK menjadi Pendidikan Kedinasan selama 5 tahun.
5.Temu Wicara Mendiknas oleh Biro Hukum Kemdiknas untuk menjalankan UU No.9 Tahun 2010 tentang BHP dan PP 14 Tahun 2010 yang dilaksanakan di Hotel Pangrango Bogor, pada Medio Maret 2010, yang mengamanatkan seluruh PTK untuk berubah menjadi BHPP.
6.Pertemuan beberapa PTK dalam rangka menyikapi dibatalkannya UU No 9/2010 tentang BHP yang dilaksanakan di Kantor BPS Pusat tanggal 20 April 2010, menghasilkan Pemerintah memutuskan pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Lain/LPNK untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya secara khusus tetap berjalan. Dalam menerbitkan Perpu BHP perlu mengakomodir keberadaan PTK dan melalui MK mengusulkan merevisi PP No 14 tahun 2010 bahkan UU no 20 th 2003.
Berdasarkan hal di atas, pada prinsipnya bahwa pendidikan terdiri dari unsur penyelenggara dan lembaga pendidikannya. Keduanya harus berjalan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku (dasar hukum yang sesuai dengan kebijakan pemerintah) sehingga menghasilkan output yang Needed and Trusted.
STSN sebagai bagian dari Sistem Pendidikan Nasional berjalan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Harapan ini sebaiknya dapat dijalankan oleh seluruh PTK yaitu hanya 3 opsi : BERUBAH MENJADI PENDIDIKAN KEDINASAN atau BERGABUNG DENGAN PTN/PTS atau BERUBAH STATUS MENJADI PTN.
SAYONARA PTK, kelihatannya sudah dikibarkan oleh Pemerintah, sehingga mau tidak mau seluruh PTK harus berbenah diri untuk menjalankan amanat peraturan tersebut. Memang masih ada beberapa langkah jitu seperti mengajukan judicial review, namun hal tersebut dipandang tidak etis karena sesama instansi pemerintah yang menggugat.
Melalui artikel ini, saya meminta masukan semua pihak agar semuanya dapat berjalan sesuai dengan kepentingan masing-masing dan yang paling penting kejelasan status PTK dan mahasiswa.
Kamis, 25 November 2010
My Blog Stat
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top 10 referrers bounce rate referrals % 77.9% 145 45.2 43.7% 71 22.1 50.0% 58 18.1 82.6% 23 7.2 100.0% 4 1.2 100.0% 3 0.9 66.7% 3 0.9 100.0% 2 0.6 50.0% 2 0.6 100.0% 2 0.6
Apa artikel yang mereka tertarik untuk dilihat :
1.home 417 44.6
2.uts-it-security 44 4.7
3.tipe-sistem-informasi 24 2.6
4.pengelolaan-proyek-sis-info 22 2.4
5.on-line-analytical-processing 16 1.7
6.uts-jaringan-komputer 15 1.6
7.prinsip-dasar-kriptografi-modern 15 1.6
8.intisari-pp-nomor-66 14 1.5
9.tugas-prog-perpustakaan-sederhana 14 1.5
10.ujian-matrikulasi-tar-etika 14 1.5
STSN = Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter ???
Siang ini saya membaca sebuah artikel dari harian Kompas yang bertepatan dengan hari Guru Nasional, berjudul Pendidikan Nasional : Pendidikan Berbasis Karakter ( Artikel tersebut ditulis oleh Guru Besar dan Dosen Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, DR.H. Oong Komar, M.Pd. Isi dari artikel tersebut sebagai berikut :
" Dalam kajian pendidikan dikenal sejumlah ranah pendidikan, seperti pendidikan intelek, pendidikan keterampilan, pendidikan sikap, dan pendidikan karakter (watak). Pendidikan karakter berkenaan dengan psikis individu, di antaranya segi keinginan/nafsu, motif, dan dorongan berbuat.
Pendidikan karakter adalah pemberian pandangan mengenai berbagai jenis nilai hidup, seperti kejujuran, kecerdasan, kepedulian, tanggung jawab, kebenaran, keindahan, kebaikan, dan keimanan. Dengan demikian, pendidikan berbasis karakter dapat mengintegrasikan informasi yang diperolehnya selama dalam pendidikan untuk dijadikan pandangan hidup yang berguna bagi upaya penanggulangan persoalan hidupnya.
Pendidikan berbasis karakter akan menunjukkan jati dirinya sebagai manusia yang sadar diri sebagai makhluk, manusia, warga negara, dan pria atau wanita. Kesadaran itu dijadikan ukuran martabat dirinya sehingga berpikir obyektif, terbuka, dan kritis, serta memiliki harga diri yang tidak mudah memperjualbelikan. Sosok dirinya tampak memiliki integritas, kejujuran, kreativitas, dan perbuatannya menunjukkan produktivitas.
Selain itu, tidak hanya menyadari apa tugasnya dan bagaimana mengambil sikap terhadap berbagai jenis situasi permasalahan, tetapi juga akan menghadapi kehidupan dengan penuh kesadaran, peka terhadap nilai keramahan sosial, dan dapat bertanggung jawab atas tindakannya.
Pembentukan pribadi
Karena itu, sekolah yang akan mengimplementasikan pendidikan berbasis karakter dapat memikirkan segi-segi sebagai berikut. Pertama, keberhasilan pendidikan berbasis karakter terkait dengan kondisi peserta didik yang landasan keluarganya mengharapkan tercipta iklim kehidupan dengan norma kebaikan dan tanggung jawab. Dengan demikian, fungsi pendidikan berbasis karakter untuk menunjukkan kesadaran normatif peserta didik, seperti berbuat baik dan melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya agar terinternalisasi pada pembentukan pribadi.
Organ manusia yang berfungsi melaksanakan kesadaran normatif ialah hati nurani atau kata hati (conscience). Organ penunjangnya ialah pikiran atau logika. Pendidikan berbasis karakter diprogram untuk upaya kesadaran normatif yang ada pada hati nurani supaya diteruskan kepada pikiran untuk dicari rumusan bentuk perilaku, kemudian ditransfer ke anggota badan pelaksana perbuatan. Contoh, mulut pelaksana perbuatan bicara atau bahasa melalui kata-kata. Maka, sistem mulut memfungsikan kata-kata bersifat logis atau masuk akal. Bahkan, dengan landasan kesadaran norma dan tanggung jawab akan terjadi komunikasi dengan perkataan santun yang jauh dari celaan dan menyakitkan orang lain.
Karena itu, pendekatan proses pembelajaran di sekolah perlu disesuaikan, yaitu dengan menciptakan iklim yang merangsang pikiran peserta didik untuk digunakan sebagai alat observasi dalam mengeksplorasi dunia. Interaksi antara pikiran dan dunia harus memunculkan proses adaptasi, penguasaan dunia, dan pemecahan masalah yang dihadapi dalam kehidupannya. Keberhasilan anak menjalani interaksi dengan dunia akan membentuk kemampuan merumuskan cita-citanya. Bahkan, cita-cita itu dijadikan pedoman atau kompas hidup. Dengan pedoman hidup itu ia menentukan arah sekaligus membentuk norma hidupnya.
Kedua, kondisi sekolah dapat menciptakan iklim rasa aman bagi peserta didiknya (joyful learning). Jika peserta didik tidak merasa aman, seperti merasa jiwa tergoncang, cemas, atau frustrasi akibat mendapatkan pengalaman kurang baik dari sekolah, maka ia tidak akan dapat menanggapi upaya pendidikan dari sekolahnya. Bahkan, ia acap kali merespons upaya pendidikan dengan bentuk protes atau agresi terhadap lingkungannya. Peserta didik yang cerdas sekalipun, dengan merasa kurang aman, acap kali konflik dengan lingkungan yang menyulitkan hidup.
Bahkan, upaya mempertahankan hidupnya dengan berbuat tercela, tidak bermoral, tidak bertanggung jawab, dan jahat. Perasaan aman hidup atau perasaan yang tidak diliputi kecemasan di sekolah hanya mungkin bila suasana sekolah mencintai anak dengan menciptakan iklim keterbukaan, mesra, bahagia, gembira, dan ceria.
Dengan demikian, iklim tersebut akan mampu membuka kata hati peserta didik, baik di sekolah maupun ketika menghadapi dunia masyarakat. Kehidupan nyata dianggap sebagai obyek yang menarik minat dengan kegairahan hidup dan penuh perhatian yang merangsang pikirannya.
Ketiga, kebijakan sekolah dalam merumuskan bahan belajar pendidikan berbasis karakter diorientasikan ke masa depan, yaitu menggambarkan indikasi bentuk baru nilai-nilai peradaban masyarakat. Dasar pertimbangannya adalah (1) proses pembangunan berkonsekuensi terhadap perubahan bentuk baru nilai-nilai kebiasaan hidup masyarakat, (2) pendidikan berbasis karakter harus berperan sebagai pengimbang akibat sampingan proses pembangunan.
Indikator bentuk baru nilai-nilai peradaban masyarakat dimisalkan mengambil rumusan dari hasil pengamatan kehidupan kota yang mengalami pembangunan pesat dan menimbulkan urbanisasi sehingga di kota tercipta pusat permukiman pendatang baru yang seolah terputus dari akar sosial budaya sebelumnya. Permukiman kota yang penuh sesak menimbulkan suasana kehidupan yang mencekam dari kekhawatiran terjadinya instabilitas sosial.
Jurang perbedaan
Selain itu, rumusan didapat dari hasil pengamatan suasana keluarga dalam menghadapi tata kehidupan baru, apakah mengambil sikap bertahan dengan kebiasaan hidup sebelumnya, ataukah meninggalkan dan mengganti kebiasaan hidup sebelumnya (permisif), sementara keadaan sekitar tidak ikut bertahan. Terutama mengambil sikap mengenai kaitan dengan ekonomi keluarga, pekerjaan, perdagangan, dan kecemburuan sosial.
Bagaimana kondisi keluarga yang tetap bertahan, apakah menjadi terasingkan. Bagaimana pula keluarga yang mengubah kebiasaan lama dengan yang baru, apakah secara psikologis memperoleh kemantapan ataukah kepahitan dan kekacauan hidup.
Paling tidak, pengamatan sepintas menunjukkan akibat sampingan pembangunan yang pesat pada perubahan bentuk kehidupan masyarakat. Yaitu, pembangunan yang menawarkan kesempatan bagi siapa saja yang berkesanggupan sehingga mengakibatkan di satu pihak terdapat sebagian anggota masyarakat yang cakap dan berani mengambil risiko untuk menangkap manfaat penawaran pembangunan dan golongan ini akan maju.
Di pihak lain, ada anggota masyarakat yang lamban bergerak dalam menangkap manfaat dan golongan ini akan semakin tertinggal. Hasil akhir antara yang cakap dan lamban menyebabkan munculnya jurang perbedaan kepemilikan materi yang mudah diisukan sebagai pelanggaran asas keadilan.
Jurang perbedaan kemajuan sisi materi yang dipahami secara sempit mengakibatkan terjadinya pergeseran nilai masyarakat. Yaitu, menguatnya arus bentuk baru kehidupan masyarakat seperti nilai materi dan hara-hura serta tampak memudar budaya santun, malu, kekeluargaan, kejujuran, toleransi, kebersamaan, kesetiakawanan, dan gotong royong."
Pendidikan STSN didirikan berlatar belakang untuk menghasilkan SDM Sandi sebagai kader pemimpin persandian negara yang cakap, beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta memiliki tanggung jawab untuk ikut serta menjaga terwujudnya eksistensi dan kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan pembentukan pengetahuan, ketrampilan serta perilaku aparatur negara bidang persandian yang terintegrasi dan menyeluruh.
Pola Pembinaan mahasiswa terdiri atas :
a.Pembinaan Akademik (60 %)yaitu pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Dosen dan Pembimbing Akademik melalui kegiatan kurikuler dan ko kurikuler.
b.Pembinaan Kepribadian (40 %) yaitu pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Satuan Pengasuhan yang berdinas selama 24 jam dan berpedoman pada Pokok-pokok Pedoman Pengasuhan dan Peraturan Kehidupan Mahasiswa (Perdupma).
Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan STSN merupakan pendidikan berbasis karakter yang bukan hanya menghasilkan lulusan yang cerdas dan ahli sandi tetapi juga berbudiluhur/berkepribadian baik sesuai dengan nilai-nilai etos sandi diantaranya dapat dipercaya, rasa tanggung jawab, dan patriotisme. Hal tersebut mendapatkan pengakuan dari Direktur Akademik Ditjen Dikti Kemdiknas (Ibu DR. Illah Saillah) dan Direktur operasi Sistem PPATK (DR.Eng Sarwono Sutikno), bahwa idealnya seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia membentuk mahasiswanya dengan pola pembinaan seperti STSN.
Untuk itulah aset negara yang cukup langka ini harus terus dijaga di saat perguruan tinggi lain hanya mengutamakan prestasi akademik, profit oriented, dan lain sebagainya. Alhamdulillah, Pemerintah cq Kemdiknas sangat memahami sistem pendidikan dan profil kompetensi lulusan STSN, sehingga STSN masih dibutuhkan terus dalam pembangunan di bidang pendidikan nasional.
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